The compass for freedom - learning from the wisdom of Oriental medicine, among others. Now on Sale!
Book written by Takeshi Hatano, the director of TAO communications. Here Mr. Takeshi Hatano tells about Oriental medicine and Macrobiotics. Specially how the balance of Yin-Yang and the five elements affects the quality of our lives. The book show us how to achieve freedom by harnesing this ancient Oriental knowledge. Therefore the name.
Recipie DVD of Jerusalem Artichokes. Now on Sale!
Book written by Mrs. Hiroko Kitazato. Mrs. Hiroko Kitazato is teacher of Macrobiotic Cooking, Caligraphy, Tea Ceremony and Flower Arrangement. Jerusalem Antichoke is called Topinumber in Europe because it's named after a Native American tribe. This book contains Macrobiotic Recipies for Topinumber. With full color pictures and step-by-step instructions.
The common logic of medicine, food and farming, The range of human life. On Sale!
Book written by Mr. Takeshi Hatano, published by Nanposhinsha. This book joins the experience and knowledge of 16 agricultural, medicine practitioners and the Chinese concept of food as a healing
element. Learn about nurturing life with natural food.
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